Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fun at South Beach

Oh me! I tipped the scales at 233 last week and had to report to the cardiologist, Dr. Barry Ramo for my annual dressing down. He was happy with my cholesterol which dropped from 235 to 183 after taking Red Yeast Rice for a few months. BUT not so happy with my weight. He handed me an article that he had written about "metabolic syndrome" of which he says I am a card carrying member. The article had the title at the top, then Dr. Ramo's name and right under that was a black and white picture of a naked fat man, sitting on his haunches on the floor. I said, "Great! Where the heck did you get that picture of me?" Later, I said, "If I were you, I'm not sure I would put my name right above that picture!" He laughed and said, "Yeah, its not on the newer copies." Anyway, he went on to tell me that the next stop is Diabetesville and "you don't want to go there". Apparently, the only way back to Healthy City is through South Beach. So, I went immediately to the book store to purchase the latest version of the book, South Beach on Steroids or something like that and started reading. I discovered that the first two weeks takes away all grains (bread), starches, fruit and sugar. Crap! That's about all I eat! So, with my birthday coming up on the next Sunday, and thinking about how great that German Chocolate Pound Cake with cool whip and strawberries was going to taste, I made the decision to start South Beach on Monday. I was right. It did taste good. It's day 2 and so far I've managed to stay with it, spending a small fortune at the grocery store to stock up on things I can eat, then having to cook the receipes recommended in the book, all while staring at the leftover cake on the cabinet in a glass cake holder! Oh, the inhumanity. I think you lose some weight from chopping vegetables and slaving over a hot stove. I'll have to admit the food is not all that bad, pretty good actually and when I stepped on the scales this morning, I had lost 4 lbs! In one day!? At this rate, I should weigh about 110 by the end of the summer. Amy, my beautiful, skinny daughter said, "That'll be great. We can wear each others clothes." Oh me!


amy said...

YEA DAD!! i'm so happy to be reading your blog!! and i'm CERTAIN you can stick with this diet. if i had time i would make all your food. i'm so excited to read all your mind has to offer... oh, and i have a pair of jeans waiting for you. :)

Rachael McClair said...

Hey- It's Rachie. If it means anything to you, James and I both did LA Weight Loss this year and we both have lost 40 pounds (James has probably lost a bit more than that by now.) I don't know much about South Beach, so I don't know what the diet is like after the first two weeks. BUT I can tell you that I am MUCH happier after having changed my eating habits. I actually like vegetables now (and anyone will tell you that is a MIRACLE) and I just feel better. My stomach doesn't hurt all the time anymore, I have more energy (well, technically with two kids I have less, but I have more than I would have...) And James feels awesome, too. His knees don't hurt from the extra weight, I'm not constantly worried about diabetes or heart disease (common among afro-americans) and he's actually winning in volleyball tournaments and playing better than he did in his 20's. All of that is to say- keep at it. Not only are doing the very best preventative thing you can do, you will reap so many benefits that you will wonder why you waited so long to eat healthy.

OH- AND I'm a fabulous cook and will send you some great recipes of food you won't even believe is good for you. :)

gwennablogs said...

Hi there Wayne! It is Gwen, the parent of the super thick haired little girl and fourteen year old boy that would hang out with Taylor as long as I would let him. Way to go! Keep up the good work, even though I think Amy's jeans will be way too short for you, they will be pretty "hip".

amy said...